radial.dataset module

class radial.dataset.RVDataSet(file, t_col=0, rv_col=1, rv_unc_col=2, skiprows=0, delimiter=None, t_offset=None, rv_offset=None, t_unit=None, rv_unit=None, instrument_name=None, target_name=None, other_meta=None)

Bases: object

Read and store the data and information of the radial velocities dataset in an intelligible manner. This class utilizes the power and convenience of astropy units and tables.

  • file (str) – Name of the file that contains the radial velocities data.
  • t_col (int, optional) – Column number of the data file that corresponds to time. Default is 0.
  • rv_col (int, optional) – Column number of the data file that corresponds to radial velocities. Default is 1.
  • rv_unc_col (int, optional) – Column number of the data file that corresponds to radial velocity uncertainties. Default is 2.
  • skiprows (int, optional) – Number of rows to skip from the data file. Default is 0.
  • delimiter (str or None, optional) – String that is used to separate the columns in the data file. If None, uses the default value from numpy.loadtxt. Default is None.
  • t_offset (float, astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – Numerical offset to be summed to the time array. If None, no offset is applied. Default is None.
  • rv_offset (str, float, astropy.units.Quantity or None,) – optional Numerical offset to be summed to the radial velocities array. If None, no offset is applied. str options are ‘subtract_median’ and ‘subtract_mean’ (self-explanatory). Default is None.
  • t_unit (astropy.units or None, optional) – The unit of the time array, in astropy.units. If None, uses days. Default is None.
  • rv_unit (astropy.units or None, optional) – The unit of the radial velocities and uncertainties arrays, in astropy.units. If None, uses km/s. Default is None.
  • instrument_name (str or None, optional) – Name of the instrument, which will be saved in the metadata. Default is None.
  • target_name (str or None, optional) – Name of the observed target, which will be saved in the metadata. Default is None.
  • other_meta (dict or None, optional) – Other metadata to be saved in the table. If None, no addition is made. Default is None.

Plot the data set.

radial.estimate module

class radial.estimate.FullOrbit(datasets, guess, use_add_sigma=False, parametrization=u'mc10')

Bases: object

A class that computes the orbital parameters of a binary system given its radial velocities (and their uncertainties) in function of time. This class is optimized for time series that contain at least one full or almost full orbital period.

  • datasets (sequence or radial.dataset.RVDataSet) – A list of RVDataSet objects or one RVDataSet object that contains the data to be fit. If a sequence is passed, the order that the data sets in the sequence will dictate which instrumental parameter (gamma, sigma) index correspond to each data set.
  • guess (dict) – First guess of the orbital parameters. The keywords must match to the names of the parameters to be fit. These names are: 'k', 'period', 't0', 'omega', 'ecc', 'gamma_X', 'sigma_X' (and so forth), where ‘X’ is the index of the data set.
  • use_add_sigma (bool, optional) – If True, the code will use additional parameter to estimate an extra uncertainty term for each RV data set. Default is False.
  • parametrization (str, optional) – The parametrization for the orbital parameter search. Currently available options are 'mc10' and 'exofast'. Default is 'mc10'.

Compute the mass and semi-major axis of the companion defined by the orbital parameters.

Parameters:main_body_mass (float, optional) – The mass of the main body which the companion orbits, in units of solar masses. Default is 1.0.
emcee_orbit(nwalkers=20, nsteps=1000, p_scale=2.0, nthreads=1, ballsizes=None)

Calculates samples of parameters that best fit the signal rv.

  • nwalkers (int) – Number of walkers
  • nsteps (int) – Number of burning-in steps
  • p_scale (float, optional) – The proposal scale parameter. Default is 2.0.
  • nthreads (int) – Number of threads in your machine
  • ballsizes (dict) – The one-dimensional size of the volume from which to generate a first position to start the chain.

sampler – The resulting sampler object.

Return type:


lmfit_orbit(vary=None, verbose=True, update_guess=False, minimize_mode=u'Nelder')

Perform a fit to the radial velocities datasets using lmfit.minimize.

  • vary (dict or None, optional) – Dictionary with keywords corresponding to each parameter, and entries that are True if the parameter is to be left to vary, or False if the parameter is to be fixed in the value provided by the guess. If None, all parameters will vary. Default is None.
  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, print output in the screen. Default is False.
  • update_guess (bool, optional) – If True, updates ~estimate.FullOrbit.guess with the estimated values from the minimization. Default is False.
  • minimize_mode (str, optional) – The minimization algorithm string. See the documentation of lmfit.minimize for a list of options available. Default is 'Nelder'.

result – The resulting MinimizerResult object.

Return type:



Log-likelihood of a given set of parameters to adequately describe the observed data.

Parameters:theta (dict or lmfit.Parameters) – The orbital parameters.
Returns:sum_res – The log-likelihood.
Return type:scalar

This function calculates the ln of the probabilities to be used in the MCMC estimation.

Parameters:theta_list (sequence) –
  • The probability of the signal rv being the result of a model with the
  • parameters theta
lomb_scargle(dset_index, freqs)

Compute a Lomb-Scargle periodogram for a given data set using scipy.signal.lombscargle.

  • dset_index (int) – Index of the data set to have the periodogram calculated for.
  • freqs (array_like) – Angular frequencies for output periodogram.

  • pgram (array_like) – Lomb-Scargle periodogram.
  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure) – Periodogram plot.

make_chains(ncut, outfile=None)

Make a chains object that represent the posterior distributions of the orbital parameters.

  • ncut (int) – Number of points of the burn-in phase to be ignored.
  • outfile (str or None) – A string containing the path to the file where the chains will be saved. This is useful when you do not want to keep running emcee frequently. If None, no output file is produced. Default is None.

emcee_chains – The chains of the emcee run, with the burn-in phase removed.

Return type:



Produce a corner (a.k.a. triangle) plot of the posterior distributions of the orbital parameters estimated with emcee.

Return type:fig
plot_emcee_sampler(outfile=None, n_cols=2, fig_size=(12, 12))

Plot the emcee sampler so that the user can check for convergence.

  • outfile (str or None, optional) – Name of the output image file to be saved. If None, then no output file is produced, and the plot is displayed on screen. Default is None.
  • n_cols (int, optional) – Number of columns of the plot. Default is 2.
  • fig_size (tuple, optional) – Sizes of each panel of the plot, where the first element of the tuple corresponds to the x-direction size, and the second element corresponds to the y-direction size. Default is (12, 12).
plot_rvs(legend_loc=None, symbols=None, plot_guess=False, plot_samples=False, fold=False, numpoints=1000)

Plot the data sets.

  • legend_loc (int or None, optional) – Location of the legend. If None, use the default from matplotlib. Default is None.
  • symbols (sequence or None, optional) – List of symbols for each data set in the plot. If None, use the default list from matplotlib markers. Default is None.
  • plot_guess (bool, optional) – If True, also plots the guess as a black curve, and the RVs of each data set is shifted by its respective gamma value.
  • plot_samples (bool, optional) – If True, also plots the samples obtained with the emcee estimation. Default is False.
  • fold (bool, optional) – If True, plot the radial velocities by folding them around the estimated orbital period. Default is False.
  • numpoints (int, optional) – Number of points to compute the radial velocities curve. Default is 1000.
prepare_params(theta, vary_param=None)

Prepare a lmfit.Parameters object to be used in the lmfit estimation.

  • theta (dict) – The current orbital parameters.
  • vary_param (dict) – Dictionary that says which parameters will vary in the estimation. By default, all parameters vary. A parameter can be fixed by setting its key to False.

params – The lmfit.Parameters object for the estimation.

Return type:


print_emcee_result(main_star_mass=None, mass_sigma=None)

radial.body module

class radial.body.Companion(k=None, period_orb=None, t_0=None, omega=None, ecc=None, msini=None, semi_a=None, name=None, main_star=None, mass=None, sini=None)

Bases: object

The massive companion class. It can be either a binary star, an exoplanet, maybe even a black hole! It can be anything that has a mass and orbits another massive object. General relativity effects are not implemented yet.

  • k (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – The radial velocity semi-amplitude. Default is None.
  • period_orb (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – The orbital period. Default is None.
  • t_0 (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – The time of periastron passage. Default is None.
  • omega (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – Argument of periapse. Default is None.
  • ecc (float or None, optional) – Eccentricity of the orbit. Default is None.
  • msini (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – Mass of the companion multiplied by sine of the inclination of the orbital plane in relation to the line of sight. Default is None.
  • semi_a (astropy.units.Quantity or None, optional) – Semi-major axis of the orbit. Default is None.
  • name (str or None, optional) – Name of the companion. Default is None.
class radial.body.MainStar(mass, name=None)

Bases: object

The main star of a given system.

mass : astropy.units.Quantity
The mass of the star.
name : str or None
The name of the star. Default is None.
class radial.body.System(main_star, companion, time=None, name=None, dataset=None)

Bases: object

The star-companions system class.

  • main_star (radial.object.MainStar) – The main star of the system.
  • companion (list) – Python list containing the all the radial.object.Companion of the system.
  • time (astropy.units.Quantity or None) – A scalar or numpy.ndarray containing the times in which the radial velocities are measured. Default is None.
  • name (str or None, optional) – Name of the system. Default is None.
  • dataset (sequence, radial.dataset.RVDataSet or None, optional) – A list of RVDataSet objects or one RVDataSet object that contains the data to be fit. Default is None.

Compute the radial velocities of the main star, both the individual RVs (corresponding to each companion) and the total RVs.


Compute the mass functions of all the companions of the system. This method will also compute the msini and semi_a of the companions and save the values in their respective parameters.

plot_rv(companion_index=None, plot_title=None)
Parameters:companion_index (int or None) – The companion index indicates which set of radial velocities will be plotted. If None, then the total radial velocities are plotted. Default is None.
  • fig
  • ax

radial.orbit module

class radial.orbit.BinarySystem(k, period, t0, omega=None, ecc=None, sqe_cosw=None, sqe_sinw=None, gamma=0)

Bases: object

A class that computes the radial velocities given the orbital parameters of the binary system.

  • k (scalar) – The radial velocity semi-amplitude K in m / s.
  • period (scalar) – The orbital period in days.
  • t0 (scalar) – Time of pariastron passage in days.
  • omega (scalar or None, optional) – Argument of periapse in radians. If None, both sqe_cosw and sqe_sinw will be required. Default is None.
  • ecc (scalar or None, optional) – Eccentricity of the orbit. If None, both sqe_cosw and sqe_sinw will be required. Default is None.
  • sqe_cosw (scalar or None, optional) – The square root of the eccentricity multiplied by the cosine of the argument of periapse. If None, both omega and ecc will be required. Default is None.
  • sqe_sinw (scalar or None, optional) – The square root of the eccentricity multiplied by the sine of the argument of periapse. If None, both omega and ecc will be required. Default is None.
  • gamma (scalar or None, optional) – Proper motion of the barycenter in m / s. Default is 0.

Computes the radial velocity given the orbital parameters.

Parameters:ts (scalar or numpy.ndarray) – Time in days.
Returns:rvs – Radial velocities
Return type:scalar or numpy.ndarray
kep_eq(e_ano, m_ano)

The Kepler equation.

  • e_ano (scalar) – Eccentric anomaly in radians.
  • m_ano (scalar) – Mean anomaly in radians.

kep – Value of E-e*sin(E)-M

Return type:



The radial velocities equation.

Parameters:f (scalar or numpy.ndarray) – True anomaly in radians.
Returns:rvs – Radial velocity
Return type:scalar or numpy.ndarray

radial.prior module

radial.prior.flat(theta, parametrization)

Computes a flat prior probability for a given set of parameters theta.

Parameters:theta (dict) – The orbital and instrumental parameters. This dictionary must have keywords identical to the parameter names (which depend on the number of data sets, the parametrization option and if the additional uncertainties are also being estimated.
Returns:prob – The prior probability for a given set of orbital and instrumental parameters.
Return type:float

radial.rv_model module

radial.rv_model.exofast(t, log_k, log_period, t0, sqe_cosw, sqe_sinw, gamma)

The radial velocities model from EXOFAST (Eastman et al. 2013).

  • t (scalar) – Time in days.
  • log_k (scalar) – Base-10 logarithm of the radial velocity semi-amplitude in dex(m / s).
  • log_period (scalar) – Base-10 logarithm of the orbital period in dex(d).
  • t0 (scalar) – Time of pariastron passage in days.
  • sqe_cosw (scalar) – sqrt(ecc) * cos(omega).
  • sqe_sinw (scalar) – sqrt(ecc) * sin(omega).
  • gamma (scalar) – Instrumental radial velocity offset in m / s.

rvs – Radial velocity in m / s.

Return type:


radial.rv_model.mc10(t, log_k, log_period, t0, omega, ecc, gamma)

The radial velocities model from Murray & Correia 2010.

  • t (scalar) – Time in days.
  • log_k (scalar) – Base-10 logarithm of the radial velocity semi-amplitude in dex(m / s).
  • log_period (scalar) – Base-10 logarithm of the orbital period in dex(d).
  • t0 (scalar) – Time of pariastron passage in days.
  • omega (scalar) – Argument of periapse in radians.
  • ecc (scalar) – Base-10 logarithm of the eccentricity of the orbit.
  • gamma (scalar) – Instrumental radial velocity offset in m / s.

rvs – Radial velocity in m / s.

Return type:
